Be Proactive With Wildlife Control - Call High Desert Wildlife & Pest Solutions

Be Proactive With Wildlife Control - Call High Desert Wildlife & Pest Solutions

Stop intruders at the door with animal trapping services in Middleton, McCall, Boise or Nampa, ID

The best way to end animal invasions is to stop wildlife from getting into your home in the first place. With animal trapping services from High Desert Wildlife & Pest Solutions, we'll remove any unwanted visitors and help you seal your home against future invasions.

Contact us today to start putting animal trapping measures in place.

How can you make your home more secure?

You can count on us for prompt animal removal services, and you can help keep animals from entering your home in the first place by:

  • Covering your outdoor garbage cans and removing litter from your yard.
  • Making sure the exhaust fan in your attic is properly installed and covered.
  • Keeping your flue closed when not in use and fitting your chimney with a screen.
  • Trimming tree branches so they can't form a bridge into your home.
  • Sealing up even the smallest gaps in your walls, floors or foundation.

Still dealing with animal intruders? Call 208-590-3364 now to schedule animal removal services at your home or business facility in Middleton, McCall, Boise or Nampa, ID.

*We do not trap cats and dogs